Year Publication Description

Tralac trade law centre guide to CFTA

This booklet provides a handy guide on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) – the architecture of the Agreement Establishing the AfCFTA, what the Agreement covers, institutional arrangements, and how it fits within Africa’s broader development agenda.


Promoting origin-Linked Quality Products in Four Countries

The final report on activities carried out by the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity as part of the project “Promoting origin-linked quality products in four countries, financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The report focuses on the monitoring, inventory preparation, product description and evaluation carried out in the field.


Study on the Potential of Marketing of Kenyan Coffee as GI

Case study related to the study on the potential for marketing agricultural products of the ACP countries using geographical indications and origin branding


Study on the Cameroon Cocoa Story

A study on the social and environmental conditions of cocoa production in Cameroon.


Linking people, places and products

FAO guidelines on practical approaches and tools to establish and manage sustainable GI, from the identification  of potential products to their registration.
Available in English - French - Spanish - Russian - Croatian - Polish


Identification of origin-linked products and their potential for development

A methodology participatory approach to involve local actors in the identification of products of origin-linked quality.


Etude du potentiel de la commercialisation des produits agricoles des pays ACP (Afrique, Caraïbes, Pacifique) utilisant les indications géographiques et les marques avec origine

L´ etude tient compte des négociations internationales dans ses recommandations stratégiques concernant les critères de choix des outils juridiques pour les bénéficiaires finaux, qui sont les producteurs et les consommateurs. En effet, pour arrive à une situation qui permette une réelle impulsion des IG sur le territoire sub-­‐saharien, l’étude identifie toutes les opportunités et contraintes commerciales à court, moyen et long terme, les interactions entre les niveaux nationaux, régionaux et internationaux et propose des solutions compatibles avec les enjeux des négociations.


Protected Geographical indication in Sub- Saharan Africa: Issues and Implications , Obi, Chinedu & Manyise, Timothy & Moruzzo, Roberta. (2017), Journal of Intellectual Property. 1. 79 – 98

The article identifies 145 potential Geographical Indications (GIs) in SSA and makes a case on why they are yet to be protected. It concludes that poor institutional framework coupled with inadequate capacity are the major factors hindering the development of GI in SSA, and provides policy considerations.


Geographical Indications: An Introduction

WIPO study providing an introduction to geographical indications, explaining their basic features, use and protection as an intellectual property right. Written for non-experts, it is a starting point for readers seeking to learn more about the topic. (French version available)


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2018

WIPO authoritative report that analyses IP activity around the globe. Covering the filing, registration of i.a., geographical indications, the 2018 edition also looks at the creative economy for the first time, making it even more comprehensive.


Main Provisions and Benefits of the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement (WIPO, 2015), (English, French)

WIPO publication explaining the main provisions, benefits and interested parties of the Geneva Act of Lisbon Agreement.


Nation Branding in Countries in Transition

This WIPO study deals with intellectual property, in particular, trademarks and geographical indications, as an instrument not only for developing a strong and distinctive brand image for national products and services but also, through such a process, for creating a strong and distinctive nation brand, in both cases, with a view of gaining a competitive advantage in domestic, regional and world markets.


Bees, Geographical Indications, and Development

WIPO case study on the Oku White Honey of Cameroon.


Disputing a Name, Developing a Geographical Indication

WIPO case study on Rooibos Tea in South Africa


Protecting Society and the Environment with a Geographical Indication

WIPO case study on the Moroccan Argan Oil.


EU Geographical Indication Handbook Part one

This Handbook explains the rules of international treaties, in particular the TRIPs agreement. It also examines the role of EU bilateral agreements.


EU Geographical Indication Handbook Part two

This Handbook contains examples of difficulties EU producers encounter protecting their GI names outside the EU. It also provides recommendations and suggestions for producers to protect their names outside the EU.


The Value of Geographical Indications for Businesses, Fact Sheet

Developed by the European IPR Helpdesk, the fact sheet introduces GIS as a valuable exclusive right, analyses the different protection routes for Geographical indications at national, international and EU level and underlines main differences between GIs and trademarks.


Protection and control of geographical indications for agricultural products in the EU Member States

The main objective of the study is to provide better knowledge of the landscape of the control and protection systems for geographical indications (GIs) in the 28 EU Member States, through the mapping of all the competent authorities and the procedures in place, including enforcement measures against infringements.


Geographical indications and traditional specialities

This EU report outlines the results of eight DG Health and Food Safety audits which had the objective of evaluating the control systems in place for the EU schemes known as PDO, PGI and TSG. These schemes promote and protect names of quality agricultural products and foodstuffs and encourage diverse agricultural production, protect product names from, inter alia, misuse, evocation and imitation and help consumers by giving them information concerning the specific character of the products.


A practical guide to the market in Egypt for European agri-food products and products with geographical indications - Study

This Handbook is intended to act as a reference for those agri-food producers planning for, or in the process of entering, the Egyptian market. This Handbook provides step-by-step guides on entering the agri-food market in Egypt including relevant information such as analysis of the Egyptian market for different product categories, market access and market entry procedures, IP protection, referrals to professional buyers and a signposting and referral system providing useful contacts and ways to penetrate the Egyptian market.


EU guaranteed quality

Brief explanatory brochure for Geographical Indications and their protection in EU and internationally.


Study on the potential for marketing agricultural products of the ACP countries using geographical indications and origin branding (ACP-AGGI)

Executive summary of study with aim to identify specific successful strategies for the marketing of products based on origin in ACP countries.


Value of production of agricultural products and foodstuffs, wines, aromatised wines and spirits protected by a geographical indication (GI)

The study aimed to collect, for the first time, economic data on each of the 2 768 GIs registered in the EU 27, over the 2005-2010 period. It covered four schemes : aromatised wines (Reg. (EEC) No 1601/91), agricultural products and foodstuffs (Reg. (EEC) No 510/2006), wines (Reg. (EC) No 1234/2007) and spirits (Reg. (EC) No 110/2008). The data for each GI had been entered into a database in order to build aggregates at sectoral and geographical levels.


Leaving no one behind

Brief brochure regarding the benefits to be reaped by empowering women in agriculture, especially in view of the Malabo Commitments and the Sustainable Development Goals set in the framework of UN.


IP Aripo Magasine Vol.8 No.2

Publication by ARIPO of newsletter, containing information on the first GI registered in ARIPO member states, by Mozambique


La démarche de qualité liée à l’origine du Casamance, Sénégal

Dans le cadre du séminaire régional sur les IG organisé en Guinée-Conakry les 8, 9 et 10 Décembre 2011, la FAO et l’OAPI se sont proposés de faire le point sur les différentes démarches en cours et de les illustrer par quelques études de cas. Dans le cas du Sénégal, il s’agit à travers cette étude de faire une situation de référence des potentialités d’émergence de tels dispositifs de qualification pour des  produits réputés. L’étude de cas porte ainsi sur le miel de Casamance.

En effet, il n'y pas encore clairement une démarche de qualification sur le nom géographique "miel de Casamance". Les initiatives tournent essentiellement autour de l'amélioration des pratiques des apiculteurs pour un miel de qualité, avec des stratégies timides de différenciation et d’organisation de la filière avec l'appui surtout d'ONG étrangères et de programmes de coopération bilatérale.


La démarche de qualité liée à l’origine de l’échalote du pays Dogon, Mali

La présente étude synthétise les recherches et travaux d’Anne Meyer effectués en 2010 pour la FAO dans le cadre de son mémoire qui a notamment examiné la question suivante : Dans quelles conditions une démarche de qualification de l'échalote dogon en vue d'une IG sera-t-elle pertinente pour le développement territorial ? Après le contexte institutionnel, il sera présenté la zone géographique du produit et ses ressources spécifiques, le produit et son marché, les acteurs impliqués et l’organisation collective. Ces données seront suivies d’une analyse, d’une synthèse et des recommandations.


La démarche de qualité liée à l’origine du riz de Kovié, Togo

Le présent rapport a pour objet de présenter le cas du riz de Kovié au Togo. La méthodologie utilisée est basée sur une étude de la littérature existante sur la production du riz au Togo en général et sur le riz de Kovié en particulier ; suivie des entretiens d’experts et d’acteurs de la filière du riz de Kovié notamment les producteurs, transformateurs, revendeuses, les structures publiques et privées venant en appui aux producteurs, avec des visites de terrain.

Après le contexte institutionnel, il sera présenté la zone géographique du produit et ses ressources spécifiques, le produit et son marché, les acteurs impliqués et l’organisation collective. Ces données seront suivies d’une analyse, d’une synthèse et des recommandations.


La démarche liée à l’origine du thé de Gisovu (Sud-ouest du Rwanda)

Etude FAO-REED qui concerne un produit agroalimentaire, le thé, et un pays périphérique, le Rwanda. Dans le cas du Rwanda, un ensemble de ressources présentes au sein du secteur théicole, conforte l’idée de la constitution d’avantages différenciatifs basés sur la qualité du produit, dans la quête des niches de production. Cette communication explore donc la question de la qualification du thé rwandais en vue d’une différenciation basée sur sa qualité  liée à son origine.


La démarche liée à l’origine du Violet de Galmi, Niger

Étude du cas de l’Oignon Violet de Galmi qui a emprunté la démarche suivante: Recherche et exploitation de la documentation existante sur l’Oignon Violet de Galmi, Entretiens avec les principaux acteurs impliqués dans le processus IG, notamment les porteurs du projet (ANFO), les acteurs étatiques en charge de la question, les experts en la matière et les opérateurs de la filière oignon susceptibles de s’intéresser à ce produit.


Strengthening sustainable food systems through geographical indications

An analysis of economic impacts: This study seeks to provide empirical evidence on the economic impacts that are generated through the GI process. It focuses on the food sector and reviews nine cases, offering a variety of national contexts and local value chains. The approach, considers “operational” GI processes: those in which a code of practice (or specifications) is defined and the GI is used and managed by a collective organization. The synthetic outcome of these nine cases show the positive effect of GIs on the economy and confirm the importance of specification that is well defined and implemented through producers’ coordinated action.


Relevance of a Geographical Indication for salt from Senegal’s Pink Lake

Geographical Indications (GIs) now benefit from a favorable context, both at the international level and in Africa. Senegal, a member of the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI), has a potential of traditional products which quality is linked to their origin.
Pink Lake Salt, a typical Senegalese product which production remains traditional, would benefit from a registration as a Geographical Indication in order to enhance the value of the product for national consumers and for export, and allow it to emerge from a poorly differentiated market.
This approach could also help to preserve the Pink Lake ecosystem, improve the working conditions of the value chain stakeholders and strengthen collective action


Training on origin-linked products- Tools for a participatory approach (Vol. 1-Introduction, Vol. 2-Trainer, Vol. 3-Content, Vol.4-Exercice)

A set of four guides on how to organize and implement participatory approach training for local stake holders on the promotion of origin-linked quality and sustainable geographical indications.


Utiliser les Indications Géographiques comme outil de développement

En comparant les situations contrastées des filières « poivre de Penja » et « miel blanc d’Oku » après leur enregistrement en tant qu’indications géographiques (IG) au Cameroun, cette note technique de l’ AFD identifie à quelles conditions une IG peut être un outil de développement pour les producteurs (English version available).

  Linking people for quality products: Sustainable interprofessionnal bodies for geographical indications and origin-linked products A series of five guides on how to develop procedures for preserving and promoting quality products . With concepts , recommendations and practical exampes from all over the world as well as self –evaluation exercises.’’
  Etude ex ante de la création d’une indication géographique sur le Madd (Saba senegalensis) dans la région naturelle de Casamance au Sénégal Cette étude a été réalisée entre mai et octobre 2017 grâce à une collaboration entre la FAO), Montpellier SupAgro et le bureau d’études sénégalais Economie, territoires et développement services (ETDS). Elle étudie les potentialités du fruit Madd ( Saba Senegalensis ) à devenir une Indication géographique.


 AFRIPI - GI Manual - English

This manual aims to conduct this stock-taking exercise in light of the factors that are considered crucial internationally for a GI to be successful. Furthermore, it aims to provide conceptual (economic literature) and practical tools (examples of successful GIs from developing countries outside Africa).


AFRIPI - GI Manual - French

Ce manuel vise à réaliser cet exercice d'inventaire à la lumière des facteurs considérés comme fondamentaux au niveau international pour le succès d'une IG. En outre, il vise à fournir des outils conceptuels (littérature économique) et pratiques (exemples d'IG réussies dans des pays en développement hors d'Afrique) pour accompagner les acteurs locaux et les organismes internationaux.


The case for geographical indication protection of the Mozambique white prawn

This study analyses the Mozambique experience of protecting and promoting fisheries with an emphasis on exploring geographical indication (GI) protection for the white prawn of Mozambique. It is achieved through an in-depth review of data collected from local stakeholders, reports based on past technical support provided by UNCTAD, the literature on GIs, and international and regional treaties and reports, among others.

2023 15 années de soutien de Ll’AFD aux Indications Geographiques

Quinze années de soutien de l'AFD aux indications géographiques. Quelle contribution au développement durable ? Quelles pistes d'amélioration ? Available in French


Geographical Indication Protection of Mozambique’s Cabrito de Tete (Tete Goat)

This study provides an understanding of the nature, characteristics and identification of Mozambique’s Cabrito de Tete. It identifies the challenges and issues concerning maintaining the status quo of GI protection for Cabrito de Tete.

While appraising the issues, the study is primarily focused on telling the story of the first registered African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (AIPRO) – Cabrito de Tete.

2021 The geographical indications process in Benin

The study aims to increase the value of Beninese agricultural products through the use of
trade policy instruments and guidance for GIs.


Market access, rules of origin and geographical indications for the least developed countries

In an effort to strengthen the capacity of rural communities in LDCs and enhance the value added component of their traditional products, UNCTAD has supported communities in Benin, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Myanmar and Senegal, among others, in the introduction of geographical indications as a protection and marketing tool.
Programme framework with many different types of activities such as capacity-building, studies and trainings.


Executive Workshop on Geographical Indications for Least Developed Countries

UNCTAD presented the 1st Executive Workshop on GIs for LDC delegates.


Why Geographical Indications for Least Developed Countries?

This study is the result of activities carried out under the UNCTAD project TAAK on market access and trade laws entitled "Strengthening the capacity of rural communities in least developed countries to utilize the market access opportunities provided by duty-free quota-free and enhancing value added of their traditional products"