Activities from other organisations
AFD - Agence Française de Développement
- Lancement du projet d’appui au développement au Rwanda
- Lancement du projet d’appui au développement de l’IG Wagashi au Benin
- Launch of the project of development of GIs in Kenya
- Lancement du projet d’appui au développement des IG à Madagascar
- Lancement du projet d’appui au développement de l’IG en Ethiopie
- Lancement du projet d’appui au développement de l’IG en Côte d’Ivoire
AfrIPI - Intellectual Property Rights & Innovations in Africa

European Commission
- Implementation of the Wine and GI protocol between the EU and South Africa, under the SADC agreement.
- On going negotiation for the deepening of the iEPA between the EU and ESA 5 – chapter on IPR including a GI section
- Taeix programme to support Mauritius in the implementation of the GI part of the IP Act recently adopted
- Bilateral Agricultural Dialogues between the EU and African countries
- Bilateral meetings with interested stakeholders for providing information and guidance e.g. Conseil Interprofessionnel du Cacao et du Café (CICC), Cameroun - Cacao rouge

WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization
- Ghana Joins WIPO's International System of Geographical Indications
- Cabo Verde Joins the Lisbon System
- Support to « Miel de Chechar » and « Tapis de Babar » (Wilaya de Khenchela)
- Technical Assistance and capacity building activities in favour of African countries in the field of GIs (e.g. Egypt, Malawi, Mauritania, Nigeria, Uganda)
- Technical Assistance and capacity building activities in favour of African countries and intergovernmental organisation in their process of accession to the Geneva Act (e.g. Algeria, Cabo Verde, Ghana, OAPI and its Member states, Tunisia)
- Sponsorship to the GI project on “Madd de Casamance”
- Sponsorship to the GI project on “Riz de Kovié”
Support to the registration of the collective trademark Baie rose du Bongolava
- Support to the registration of the collective trademark Kente from Ghana
- Support to the registration of the collective trademark Miel de Chechar and Tapis Babar
- CDIP Project: Empowering Small Businesses Through IP: Developing Strategies for Supporting Geographical Indications or Collective Marks in the Post-registry Period. African Pilot countries: Algeria and Uganda