Outcome 1 of the Continental Strategy for GIs in Africa’s plan of action calls for the development and sharing of An African vision on GIs as a tool contributing to sustainable rural development and food security and of a GI African approach

One of the achievement indicators included the creation of a database for GIs to improve operators’ and consumers’ information on the status of geographical names as registered names.

Administered by the Organisation for an International Network for Geographical Indications (oriGIn), the oriGIn Worldwide GIs Compilation hopes to establish a common language in the international GI landscape, including for African countries. It is an attempt to list all the GIs currently protected in the world in alphabetical order, notwithstanding the legal system and terminology adopted at national level. For each GI, the compilation mentions the country of origin, the relevant national law, the product’s category, some basic information about the product at issue as well as third country/ies where it is protected via a multilateral and/or plurilateral agreement. 

OriGIn database:
A comprehensive database of protected GIs all over the world